Arcwood production building extension
Arcwood has once again increased its production area by 6 200 m2, this time with a serious focus on the development of CLT cross-laminated timber.
While in previous years, the CLT production capacity was around 6 000 m3 per year, the new fully automatic CLT line will allow an annual capacity of around 40 000 m3 per year. Today, there is the capacity to produce and process CLT panels with a maximum length of 15.2 m and a maximum width of 3.6 m, including sanding on a 3.6 m wide sanding machine and processing of all panels on a fully automatic CNC centre.
Pärnaõie 32, Põlva
Year of completion
Kadarik & Tüür arhitektid
Main contractor
Nordecon Betoon OÜ